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Front cover of Silver Tongued Devil Anthology
Headshot of Linda Kleinbub wearing black
Headshot of Anthony C. Murphy

Linda Kleinbub

Anthony C. Murphy

Silver Tongued Devil Anthology
Edited by Linda Kleinbub & Anthony C. Murphy

Celebrating five years of outstanding East Village poetry, fiction, memoirs, essays, storytelling, humor, and spoken word by more than one hundred twenty writers who were featured at Rimes of The Ancient Mariner Reading Series.


The Silver Tongued Devils


Matthew Abuelo*Nichole Acosta*Austin Alexis*Barbara Aliprantis*Richard Allen*

Michael Anton*Madeline Artenberg*Simone Nikkole Azúcar*Stan Baker*

Burton Baroff*Amy Barone*Kevin Becker*Luciann Berrios*Peter Blaxill*

Creighton Blinn*Bernard Block*Diane Block*Barbara Ann Branca*Eve Brandstein*

Denver Butson*Michele Carlo*Patricia Carragon*Maria Chisolm*Pat Christiano*

Deborah Clapp*Lorraine LoFrese Conlin*William Considine*Steve Dalachinsky*

Angela DiCamillo*Meliora Dockery*Gabriel Don*Saara Dutton*Gil Fagiani*

Jasmine Farrell*Richard Fein*Duane Ferguson*Mariposa Maria Teresa Fernandez*

Nicole Ferraro*Pauline Findlay*Howard Finger*Christina Fitzpatrick*Ember Flame*

Kofi Fosu Forson*Jason Gallagher*Art Gatti*Jennifer Harmon Gersbeck*

Vogue Giambri*Robert Gibbons*Gordon Gilbert Jr.*Joel Louis Gold* Russ Green*Christopher Grigsby*Brendaliz Guerrero*John S. Hall*L. R. Laverde Hansen*

Holly Hepp-Galvan*Judith Lee Herbert*Ann Herendeen*Blair Hopkins*Vicki Iorio*

Jerry T. Johnson*Boni Joi*Jennifer Juneau*Qurrat Ann Kadwani*Linda Kleinbub*

Ron Kolm*Ptr Kozlowski*Wayne Kral*Beth Corliss Lamont* Jean Le Bec*

ane LeCroy*Linda Lerner*Karen Levy*Maria Lisella*Mike Logan*Michael Lydon*

Jenna Lynch*Taylor Mali*Peter Marra*C. O. Moed*Anthony Moscini*

Anthony C. Murphy*Arthur Nersesian*Kurt Nelson Peloquin*Puma Perl*

Begonya Plaza*Vincent Quatroche*Rivke Lela Reid*Janet Restino*Stan Rifken*

Joe Roarty*Stephanie Rogers*Jeff Rose*Marie A. Sabatino*LinDel Sandlin*

Christine Santelli*Erica Schreiner*Michael Schwartz*Yuyutsu Rd Sharma*Verandah Maureen-Shepard*Edmund Siejka*Melanie Sirof*Chloe’ Skye*Moira T. Smith*

Coree Spencer* Peter Sragher*Zev Torres*John J. Trause*John Trigonis*

Anoek van Praag*Angelo Verga*Margarette Wahl*George Wallace*Robert Watlington*Eytan Stern Weber*Susan Weiman*Francine Witte*Mickey Wyte*

Anton Yakovlev*Susan Yung*Nick Zaharakos*Alana Zonan


Praise for Silver Tongued Devil Anthology


This rare collection bursts with cutting edge stories, excitement and originality. It captures -like no other collection does - five years of the historical reading series, Rimes of the Ancient Mariner - an infamous venue of featured and open mic writers. Those five years and this collection present some of the best writers from around the world and certainly from the legendary East Village in NYC. In a spirit of "take no prisoner"/ and wasting no time with bs, the Silver Tongue Devil Anthology does poems and prose right.

Ted Krever, Author Swindler and Son: A Heist Misadventure


Beautiful, serious, light-hearted, moving poetry by modern day poets, collected in a nice looking bound book. I read a poem a day. Recommended!

Pam Eagan


This anthology is a delightful collection of the live readings of many poets and writers. The readings were performed at a number of small venues in New York City and represent a diversity of viewpoints and experiences. It includes biographies of all the contributors which helps bring each person alive in the reading. Phillip Giambri is the brilliant moving force behind getting all these talented people together and successfully reading to audiences all over NYC. He deserves accolades for helping to preserve such a wonderful tradition. Everyone will find something to enjoy and want to pass along. I give this collection my highest recommendation.

C.V. Bullen


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