Cover Charge
Linda Kleinbub
(Published by Autonomedia)
Cover Charge is the debut poetry collection from Linda Kleinbub originally published by Autonomedia. This book covers twelve years and is arranged to tell a story. The second edition is distributed by Pink Trees Press.
Praise for Cover Charge
I love the New York that Linda Kleinbub brings to life in her poetry collection, COVER CHARGE. Kleinbub is clear-eyed and unsentimental, as any long-term Gothamite must be, playing guide and witness to decades of grit, glamor, and ever-changing scenes. Evocative in her imagery and compelling in her pacing, Kleinbub lays out a life in glimpse and shards, not like a tour guide with an urge to explain, but like a cool older sister who lets you tag along as she gets into all the coolest places. For a debut collection, Cover Charge is unusually grounded. This is a book to be savored.
-Jason Schneiderman-author of Hold Me Tight
As publisher of Rimes of The Ancient Mariner Silver Tongued Devil Anthology: Celebrating five years of outstanding East Village poetry, fiction, memoirs, essays,
storytelling, humor, and spoken word, Linda Kleinbub has not only been around downtown but has embraced the informal savvy-quirky spirit of generosity that is New York. Her first book of poems, Cover Charge, maps out dues paid under “purple galaxies” or in wishful gardens where blessings, if blurry, are bountiful. In the poem, Visibility Unclear, “fissures of logic” manage to “avoid tripping over cats” and in the poem Fire Burning, “Orion’s stars drift/ penniless across a/ quartz-colored sky.” Brimming colors mix and match, jiggle vitality. Kleinbub, lyrical, sensual, sober, has arrived, and she’s brought with her Pink Trees Press.
--Star Black, author of The Popular Vote
Here is a poet on the move, penning epiphanies as she spins from innocence to experience. Heartbreak jousts with joy. Lovers switch from villainous to valiant. Muse-driven tailspin jewels offer salvation. Lace-textured dialogues with the universe interact with deftly-rendered metaphoric reveries. Inventive and seductive—these poems are written in lighter fluid “… wild with guilt.” They’re ready for a match. Stand back. Pyromantic on the loose!
-Jeffrey Cyphers Wright, author of Party Everywhere
Linda Kleinbub’s poems are filled with gardens, longing and rain; we travel through dive bars, graffiti, love, lust, and the Lower East. We make stops at the Bitter End and Chelsea Hotel, where the door opens for Sid Vicious, ride the L train to Canarsie and pine over lovers at the Cornelia Street Café. A lovely trip through inner landscapes and tumultuous pathways.
-Puma Perl, poet/performer, author of Birthdays Before and After