Ron Kolm
Ron Kolm is a contributing editor of Sensitive Skin. Ron is the author of The Bookstore Book (Pink Trees Press, 2023,) Swimming in the Shallow End (Autonomedia, 2020,) Welcome to the Barbecue (Autonomedia, 2019,) A Change in the Weather (Sensitive Skin, 2017,) Night Shift (Autonomedia, 2016,) Duke & Jill, (Unknown Press, 2015,) Suburban Ambush (Autonomedia, 2014,) Divine Comedy (Fly by Night Press, 2013,) and The Plastic Factory (Autonomedia, 2011.)
He’s had work in Abwarts, And Then, The Café Review, Feuerstuhl, Gathering of the Tribes, Great Weather for Media, Live Mag!, Local Knowledge, Maintenant, NYC From the Inside, The Opiate, the Poets of Queens anthology, Public Illumination Magazine, The Red Wheelbarrow, the Riverside Poets Anthology, The Silver Tongued Devil Anthology, Sparring With Beatnik Ghosts Omnibus, Stadtgelichter and the Brownstone Poets anthologies. Ron’s papers were purchased by the New York University Library.